This Startup Believes It Can Cure Any Disease
An overview and full length interview with the chief scientist of Halberd.
Curing any disease is a bold statement, which we’ll dive into in a minute, but for good measure let’s take a look at one of the biggest, cancer.
Each year it’s believed that nearly 2,000,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and over 500,000 people will die from the disease.1 Tragic.
It’s no secret that a company with the potential for a medical breakthrough in the space would have an incredible risk-reward upside. Asymmetric, just like I like it.
It’s clear that current treatments fall short of what we really need. As a first principle, they are all additive, meaning they add a foreign substance to the body in hopes to treat the disease.
As Einstein famously notes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. What if the solution to curing cancer were much simpler, to remove the disease itself?
Dr. Felder believes he’s found the cure. His patented approach, The Felder Doctrine, applies a first principle methodology to curing cancer by removing the pathophysiologic basis of the disease from the body using a laser or radio frequency.
If you’re new here, my name is Alec Torelli and I’ve spent thousands of hours in crypto, DeFi and NFTs. My mission at CrypTorelli is to simplify crypto so anyone can understand it. I’ll also share the latest, most exciting opportunities in the space before anyone else. Join the thousands of others to stay up to date.
In this short interview, I chat with Dr. Felder about his approach, his vision for the world, and how he hopes to live to see a world in which not just cancer, but many of the world’s most common ailments are cured once and for all.
As I mention in the video, I’m a consultant and shareholder in Halberd, and we’re looking for marketing and financial help. If this interview inspires you and you want to help in assisting us to cure the most common diseases worldwide, and have the potential for asymmetric upside, please reply to this email to get in touch or email me directly at
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